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When Jesus Calls You

Ashley Simper

“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they [the Sanhedrin] marveled.” -Acts 4:13

Time to push away the distractions, peel back a few hidden layers and get to the heart of things today. Time is of the essence and lately, I can’t help but feel that we may just be wasting so very much of it.

May I ask you a personal question that’s going to require some gut-level honesty?

Is there something you are NOT doing that you feel called to? Is there a restlessness you battle because you know deep down that you need to step out in faith…yet you won’t because (insert all the excuses)?

Are you squirming yet? Did I just step on your toes? Relax and settle in if so, because this is all about mutual encouragement. This very subject matter hits home for me, as well.

We all have a story. It usually consists of where we’re from, how we grew up, where we went to school, how we got into whatever it is we’re doing now, etc. Some of our stories follow the expected path with the dots connecting neatly; while others look more like my toddler’s artwork—barely anything inside the lines with a few rips and tears that get blamed on the dog.

I don’t know what your story is. I know mine and I know how I’ve packed that thing around; the weight that it’s added over seasons of my life. The temptation to let it dictate who I am and what I can do—and the dogged determination (and the battle since ensued) to not allow

it to.

We read in the book of Acts how the apostles Peter and John are in Jerusalem fulfilling the call placed upon them by Jesus to share the gospel and make disciples. Empowered by the Holy Spirit and filled with a supernatural confidence, these unqualified-on-paper men are preaching, healing the lame and leading souls to salvation.

In doing so, they’re upsetting the apple cart per se and quickly find themselves sitting in a jail cell by the hands of the Sadducees. While standing in front of the Sanhedrin, the ancient Jewish court system, Peter and John not only boldly defend their act of healing bestowed upon a lame man in need—but take the opportunity to declare the truth of Jesus of Nazareth’s death and resurrection, making it clear that He is The Messiah and the only way to salvation!

The Bible says that, “when they [the Sanhedrin] saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled.” (Acts 4:13). Peter and John…simple fishermen turned disciples turned apostles. The only qualifier they had for their ministries aside from breathing was that they faithfully stepped out and followed Jesus when He called them. And then they faithfully went forth when He sent them.

You’ve likely heard the expression “Jesus doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.” Well honey, if you have then please take a look at it with fresh eyes and receive it with an open heart because it is absolutely true! That’s not to say that those who have worked very hard to qualify themselves on paper in order to open doors of opportunity are not also called. But it is most certainly a reminder for those of us that have ever compared ourselves to the itemized list of another’s experience and accomplishments and stepped back just a little into the shadows of insecurity. Or have turned away from something God had for us out of a fear of failure.

Oh how I love how stunned the Sanhedrin were by Peter and John! It just speaks to my underdog heart. Isn’t it just like us to assume we know who someone is and what they’re capable of by their outward appearance, background or resume? But what we need never forget is that we serve a God that opens doors no man can shut!

Peter and John were fisherman! Nothing wrong at all with catching fish but it was a far cry from the levels of education and social standings of the religious leaders of that day. And yet, Jesus used these very men, and a handful of others including WOMEN, to start and lead His church. He called THEM to spread the gospel to the Jews and the gentiles. In God’s economy, it’s our belief in Him that holds the most value.

So…how does your story impact you?

Does it compel you forward with boldness like Peter and John by the power of the Holy Spirit? Do you KNOW who Jesus says that you are and believe in the depths of your being that He has, is and will be faithful to fulfill the purpose He has for you? Do you believe He is not only able—but offering—to heal every wound and break any stronghold that keeps you from walking in freedom? The kind of freedom that propels your feet ever forward.

Or do you allow humble beginnings or a slew of mistakes to keep you holding onto your tattered nets rather than going when Jesus calls you? Rather than believing that He can make a way? Rather than allowing Him to use you and all that you’ve been through for a mighty and powerful role? Rather than watching Him move in ways so profound that you couldn’t keep your mouth shut about it if you tried?

Whatever your story is, ask the Lord to help you use it to cast a wide net for His glory. Whatever that may be and wherever it may take you. And then you too can stand in stunned awe as you watch all that God will create with your willing and believing heart.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for being a redeeming God that can and will use our stories for good.

Please give us courage and a supernatural boldness to believe for that which looks unlikely, to attempt that which others say we have no business doing and to look in the mirror each day knowing who You say that we are.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.



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