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Armed For Battle

Ashley Simper

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:10-11, NKJV

You spend months preparing for your sweet little one. So much anticipation and excitement! And then in a flurry of nurses, doctors and contractions, God brings them into this world and straight to your arms.

Eventually, after a little recovery and all the necessaries, the professionals turn your precious baby over to you and allow you to take them home.

You. An amateur. A rookie. A new Mama.

Did anyone else have that slight moment of panic heading to the car after being discharged? The one where you realize—quite suddenly—that you’re responsible for the life of another human being?

And did you look at your husband like, “Wait…what?’

Oh, Mama…of course you did! I did, too! And I’m willing to bet the one that looks like she has it all together on your Instagram feed with her flawless makeup at her newborn photo shoot 2 days after childbirth did, too.

Welcome to the battlefield, Mama. This is where it begins. That very real adversary we have named Satan loves to take full advantage of every nagging insecurity and deep-rooted fear inside of us. And he’s good, too. Oh, he knows how to dig in deep when we least expect it.

Like 3 a.m. late night feedings when you’re beyond exhausted and your newborn is hungry…again.

Or toddler tantrums that have you considering putting out a Missing Person’s Report for the sweet little angel you actually brought into the grocery store rather than the one that is now showing out in the middle of Aisle 9 because you ran out of Yogurt Melts.

And especially when we want to pull our hair out because we have no idea just who our teenage child thinks they are…but we know Jesus better take the wheel before something goes down in this house tonight!

Regardless of which season you find yourself in on this journey of raising children—newborns, tots, teens and everything in between—doubt and insecurities plague us all at one time or another. Moments when you question whether or not you can actually do this thing called being a Mama. You even begin to doubt God, wondering what He could’ve possibly been thinking calling you to this!

Sweetie, God does not make mistakes. So if He called you to motherhood, it’s because He designed you for it and He is going to give you everything you need to not just do this most precious work, but do it in a way that pleases Him and is a blessing to your children.

As for those spiritual attacks that will come, God’s Word tells us to “put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil”. The protection and weapons He provides us with are powerful and proven:

· Belt of Truth: When our integrity and character are strong, it makes a tough go of it for the Devil.

· Breastplate of Righteousness: Coming before the Lord with a pure heart, desiring to be the best mother we can be to honor Him and be a blessing to our family…this is righteous.

· Shoes of Peace: Satan will use every trick he can to pour his deceptions and manipulations into you in an effort to knock you off your peaceful, solid ground. Stand firm.

· Shield of Faith: It’s awfully difficult to cause a woman to stumble that’s rooted deeply in the belief and trust she has for God Almighty.

· Helmet of Salvation: Assurance of our salvation provides a holy and bold confidence necessary for the battlefield.

· Sword of the Spirit: There is no weapon more powerful than the Word of God. Praying and staying in God’s Word prepares us for every battle we’ll face.

When we stand firm, girded in the armor God provides us, we blossom into the mothers God has called us to be. Not in our own strength, not through our own striving…but “through Him who strengthens me”.

And all for His glory.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this gift of motherhood.

And thank you for your Word that reminds us

that you will never leave us nor forsake us;

therefor we know that in the most difficult of parenting moments,

we are not alone.

Lord, please gird us in your armor and prepare us for every battle.

Help us remember who You say that we are.

Give us wisdom and discernment to recognize when the enemy is attacking

us with discouragement and deceit.

Help us to replace it with your truth, Lord.

Thank you for your grace that is waiting for us on the days we simply will not get it right.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.



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